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Speakers Bureaus, Motivational Speakers

American Motivational Speakers Bureau TM
Event Planners' Tips

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This page is for Event Planners to share tips with each other ways to be
"More Successful at Every Event"!

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If you have a tip for Event Planners that you would like to have post here, please e-mail us your tip for consideration, at the e-mail address below:

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Event Planners' Tip #1:

Your Event Planners' Tip Should Be Here !

Submitted by Your Name Goes Here

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Event Planners' Tip #2:


"When reading your favorite Event Planners magazine, only keep the articles that interest you. What I do is take the magazine apart page by page. If an article or ads looks interesting, I place it on my desk to read when I'm finish. All the other pages go into the trash. "

"This way I keep the best of the best and my book shelves aren't full of old magazines. After I read the articles, I place the ones I like into plastic protector sheets & keep them in a 3 ring binder for future reference."

Submitted by American Motivational Speakers Bureau

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Event Planners' Tip #3:


"In today's "Internet Based World" there are dozens of free services available for you. It is important to be able to find & use these services to your advantage.

Search engines are a great way to locate vendors for your events. Once you complete you search, don't just hire a vendor just because they are at the top of the search engines. Determine the vendors commitment to serving you. Are they trying to "push" one product or service that might not be the best fit for you ?

Find vendors that offer a variety of products or services. A broad range of variety is important to having the best selection. For instance, if a speakers bureau represents only a few speakers, they may be more of a 'speakers promotional alliance', than a service to assist you as the Event Planner.

All vendors must understand that you are the boss and that your organization will be covering the expenses of the event. The saying, "the customer is always right" is a motto that the vendors you select must believe!"

Submitted by American Motivational Speakers Bureau

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If we can assist you in finding a speaker, please give us a call at (317) 547-4679.

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