Speakers Bureaus | Motivational Speakers Bureaus | Professional Speakers Bureaus

World Speakers Bureaus Association SM


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Event Planners FAQ

Event Planners frequently have questions about booking Professional Speakers with a Speaker Bureau & the WSBA has answers. Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why do experienced Event Planners use WSBA Speakers Bureaus to secure Professional Speakers?
(Rather than contacting individual Professional Speakers)

WSBA Speakers Bureaus save Event Planners time, money and hassles. WSBA Speakers Bureaus have invested years developing a complete database of information on Professional Speakers. WSBA Speakers Bureaus know the expertise, speech topics, fees and contact information of each Professional Speaker that they represent. They have access to thousands of Professional Speakers that would take an Event Planner years to find.

Also, if a WSBA Speakers Bureau has booked a Professional Speaker for an Event Planner & the Professional Speaker has a last minute emergency, making it impossible for them to speak, the WSBA Speakers Bureau is ready to assist the Event Planner in the search for the replacement. WSBA Speakers Bureaus work to ensure that the Event Planner is the hero of each event!


2. Does it cost more to have Speakers Bureau assist in hiring a Professional Speaker?

No, 99.9% of Professional Speakers' fees are the same with or without the assistance of a WSBA Speakers Bureau. A small fraction of Professional Speakers may require Speakers Bureaus to include a service fee with the Speaker's fee. Most Professional Speakers know the value of being booked through a WSBA Speakers Bureau's efforts. Because the WSBA Speakers Bureaus save Professional Speakers time, money & hassles, they are booked through the WSBA Speakers Bureaus for their standard fee.


3. If a Professional Speaker has an exclusive agreement with one Speakers Bureau, is it required that the Event Planner book that Professional Speaker only through that Speakers Bureau?

No, not in most cases. Almost all Professional Speakers with an exclusive agreement are available through the WSBA Speakers Bureaus because of the cooperation between Speakers Bureaus that is called "Co-Brokering". That means if the Event Planner wants to book a Professional Speaker through a Speakers Bureau that has an exclusive agreement with another Speakers Bureau, the first Speakers Bureau usually can "Co-Broker" with the other Speakers Bureau to hire that Professional Speaker.


4. How many Speakers Bureaus should an Event Planner use to find the right Professional Speaker?

The WSBA recommends that Event Planners work with only one WSBA Speakers Bureau for each event. This saves the Event Planners, Professional Speakers and Speakers Bureaus time, money & hassles. Most Professional Speakers prefer to be contacted by only one Speakers Bureau for each event. And Speakers Bureaus are only compensated if they assist the Event Planner in successfully hiring the Professional Speaker for their event.

Since only one Speakers Bureau will be compensated for their services to the Event Planner, in most cases, other Speakers Bureaus would be working without being compensated for their services. One exception is when a Speakers Bureau "Co-Broker" with another Speakers Bureaus to find the right Professional Speaker for an event. In this case, the Speakers Bureau that the Event Planner contacts first will contact another Speakers Bureau that has an exclusive agreement with a Professional Speaker for the event and the Speakers Bureaus split their fee. In summary, a WSBA Speakers Bureau can assist Event Planners in hiring almost any Professional Speaker in the world!


5. Why should an Event Planner book Professional Speakers through a WSBA Speakers Bureau?

WSBA Speakers Bureaus have agreed to serve Event Planners in accordance with the WSBA's Standards of Professional Practice. The Standards of Professional Practice outline the highest level of service and ethical practice in the industry. Event Planners should expect to receive excellent services from any WSBA Speakers Bureau.


6. What should an Event Planner do if they have concerns about the service of a WSBA Speakers Bureau?

WSBA's Standards of Professional Practice Committee looks into any concerns involving a WSBA Speakers Bureau. Event Planners should feel free to file a Standards of Professional Practice Inquiry & send it to: WSBA, 7102 Mardyke Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46226, or email ProfessionalStandards@SpeakersBureaus.com. All Standards of Professional Practice Inquires must be in written form.


7. If an Event Planner receives Exceptional Service from an WSBA Speakers Bureau, what should they do?

Giving Exceptional Service is something that WSBA Speakers Bureaus do on a regular basis, but it is still something that the WSBA & our WSBA Speakers Bureaus love to hear about. When an Event Planner receive Exceptional Service from a WSBA Speakers Bureau, first, we encourage the Event Planner to let the WSBA Speakers Bureau know about their success. Second, please let the WSBA know about our Members Exceptional Service in as much detail as possible.

The WSBA likes to recognize our Speakers Bureaus outstanding accomplishments. Any WSBA Speakers Bureau who is recognized for Exceptional Service by an Event Planner may be considered for the

"International Speakers Bureau of the Year"TM.

Recognizing Exceptional Service also provides specific role models for other WSBA Speakers Bureaus. Please, send your Praise Report to: WSBA, 7102 Mardyke Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46226, or email ExceptionalService@SpeakersBureaus.com.


If you have any additional questions, please email us at: Questions@SpeakersBureaus.com

Blue Bar

Contact Information:

World Speakers Bureaus Association SM
7102 Mardyke Lane
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226-1804

Management Firm: America's Best Pros
(888) 899-6129, Ext. 199


Blue Bar

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